3DJH31-5000750 Rev. 1TO VAPORSERVICE VALVEHFC-410AMANIFOLD GAUGE SETOUTDOOR UNITHIGHLOW12ABNITROGENNOTE - Positioncanister to deliverliquid refrigerant.A - With both manifold valves closed, connect the cylinder of HFC-410A refrigerant to the center port of themanifold gauge set. Open the valve on the HFC-410A cylinder (vapor only).B - Open the high pressure side of the manifold to allow HFC-410A into the line set and indoor unit. Weigh ina trace amount of HFC-410A. [A trace amount is a maximum of two ounces (57 g) refrigerant or threepounds (31 kPa) pressure.] Close the valve on the HFC-410A cylinder and the valve on the highpressure side of the manifold gauge set. Disconnect the HFC-410A cylinder.C - Connect a cylinder of nitrogen with a pressure regulating valve to the center port of the manifold gaugeset.D - Adjust nitrogen pressure to 150 psig (1034 kPa). Open the valve on the high side of the manifold gauge setin order to pressurize the line set and the indoor unit.E - After a few minutes, open one of the service valve ports and verify that the refrigerant added to thesystem earlier is measurable with a leak detector.F -After the line set has been connected to the indoor and outdoor units, check the line set connections andindoor unit for leaks. Use the following procedure to test for leaks:A - Connect the high pressure hose of an HFC-410A manifold gauge set to the vapor valve service port.NOTE - Normally, the high pressure hose is connected to the liquid line port. However, connecting itto the vapor port better protects the manifold gauge set from high pressure damage.B - With both manifold valves closed, connect the cylinder of HFC-410A refrigerant to the center port ofthe manifold gauge set.CONNECT GAUGE SETTEST FOR LEAKSNOTE - Later in the procedure, the HFC-410A container will be replaced by the nitrogen container.After leak testing, disconnect gauges from service ports.NOTE - Service valve cores remain removed for the following evacuation procedure.LEAK TESTLeak Test and Evacuation(YDFXDWLQJWKHV\VWHPRIQRQFRQGHQVDEOHVLVFULWLFDOIRUSURSHURSHUDWLRQRIWKHXQLW1RQFRQGHQVDEOHVDUHGH¿QHGDVDQ\JDVWKDWZLOOQRWFRQGHQVHXQGHUWHPSHUDWXUHVDQGSUHVVXUHVSUHVHQWGXULQJRSHUDWLRQRIDQDLUFRQGLWLRQLQJV\VWHP1RQFRQGHQVDEOHV DQG ZDWHU VXFWLRQ FRPELQH ZLWK UHIULJHUDQW WR SURGXFH VXEVWDQFHV WKDW FRUURGH FRSSHU SLSLQJ DQGFRPSUHVVRUSDUWV