508311G01 / 31-5000754Page 19 of 26Issue 2250The compressor and outdoor fan motor will begin to rampup and reach 100% design capacity within 3 minutes. Theywill continue to operate at 100% design capacity for theduration of charge mode.Exiting Charge ModeTo exit the charging mode, remove the Charge ModeJumper from the Charge Mode Pins. The system willbe in Charge Mode for a maximum time of 60 minutesand will automatically exit the charge mode and resumenormal operation after 60 minutes even if the charge modejumper is left in place. To extend the charge mode beyond60 minutes, ensure the cooling/heating demand, blowerdemand and appropriate reversing valve demand areavailable and reapply the charge mode jumper.NOTE: If compressor demand is lost during charge modeperiod, then the compressor and fan will cease to operate,and the unit will enter into a delay timer for 3 minutes.Repeat the charging mode procedure to get back intocharge mode.Cooling Operation Mode JumperThe Cooling Operation Mode Jumper is only used onapplications installed with a conventional 24VAC heatpump thermostat. In applications with a conventional24VAC heat pump thermostat, the compressor capacity iscontrolled to maintain the target suction pressure setpoint.The Cooling Operation Mode Jumper has three selectablecooling modes. The three modes are Efficiency (Jumperinstalled on Pins 1 & 2), Normal Mode (Jumper installedon Pins 2 & 3) and Comfort Mode (Jumper Removed).The factory default position is the Efficiency Mode. TheEfficiency mode has a variable suction pressure setpointthat will vary with the outdoor temperature; as the outdoortemperature increases the suction pressure setpoint willdecrease. When the Cooling Operation Mode jumperis installed in the “Normal Mode” the suction pressuresetpoint is 135 psig.When the Cooling Operation Mode jumper is installed inthe “Comfort Mode” the suction pressure setpoint is 125psig.Operation ModeJumperJumperPositionTarget SuctionPressure SettingEfficiency (default) Pin 1 to Pin 2 Variable based on OATNormal Pin 2 to Pin 3 135 PSIGComfort Jumper Off 125 PSIGTable 8. Cooling Operation Mode Jumper(Conventional 24VAC Thermostats Only)Heating Operation Mode JumperThe Heating Operation Mode Jumper is only used onapplications installed with a conventional 24VAC heatpump thermostat. In applications with a conventional24VAC heat pump thermostat, the compressor capacity iscontrolled to maintain the target liquid pressure setpoint.The Heating Operation Mode Jumper has two selectableheating modes. The two modes are Efficiency (Jumperinstalled on Pins 1 & 2) and Comfort Mode (JumperRemoved). The factory default position is the EfficiencyMode. The Efficiency mode has a variable liquid pressuresetpoint that will vary with the outdoor temperature; asthe outdoor temperature decreases, the liquid pressuresetpoint will increase. When the Operation Mode jumper isinstalled in the “Comfort Mode” the liquid pressure setpointis 425 psig.Operation ModeJumperJumperPositionTarget Liquid PressureSettingEfficiency (default) Pin 4 to Pin 5 Variable based on OATComfort Jumper Off 425 PSIGTable 9. Heating Operation Mode Jumper(Conventional 24VAC Thermostats Only)Figure 12. Operation Mode Jumper