19Speaker:8. Choose to turn on / offthe TV internal speaker. The digitalaudio output signals and earphoneoutput signals will not be turned offeven though the TV speaker is off.The default setting is On.AVL:9. Choose On or Off toadjust volume to be consistentacross programs and channelsautomatically.Preset:10. Restore the default audiosettings.FEATURE MENUThe Feature menu is shown below.This menu contains options to setthe language, time, and other settings.Depending on the current mode (TV,HDMI, etc.), some options may not beavailable.ENTER ExitMenuFEATUREMove Select Return ExitTimeTransparency 1Menu Language EnglishParental ControlPassword SettingClosed CaptionsAnalog Captions CC1OffMenu Language:1. Select the menudisplay language. (English / Français /Español)Time:2. Set current time. The sub-menu includes Time Mode, TimeZone, and Daylight Savings.[Time Mode] – Choose fromAuto or Manual. When choose theTime Mode at Manual, you can setthe Year, Month, Date, and, Timemanually.[Time Zone] – Set current timezone.[Daylight Savings] – Set to Onor Off.ENTER ExitMenuFEATURE TimeTime ModeTime ZoneDaylight SavingsMonthDayTimeYearAutoHSTOn2010Jan112:02 AMMove Select Return ExitTransparency:3. Adjust thetransparency of the on-screenmenu from range 0 to 10.Password Setting:4. Changethe 4-numeral parental controlpassword. Three steps are requiredfor changing the password: EnterOld Password –> Enter NewPassword –> Confirm NewPassword. Note: This item is onlyavailable in TV, Composite andS-Video source modes. The defaultpassword is 『0 0 0 0』 and theuniversal password is 『3 4 4 8』.Enter Old PasswordEnter New PasswordConfirm New Password