Outdoor unit75.Purging Method:To use vacuum pumpDetach the service port's cap of 3-way valve, thevalve rod's cap for 2-way valve and 3-way's, connectthe service port into the projection of charge hose(low) for gaugemanifold. Then connect the projectionof charge hose (center) for gaugemanifold intovacuum pump. Tube(for R410A)Open the handle at low in gaugemanifold, operatevacuum pump. If the scale-moves of gause (low)reach vacuum condition in a moment, check again.Vacuumize for over 15min. And check the level gaugewhich should read -0.1 MPa (-76 cm Hg) at lowpressure side. After the completion of vacuumizing,close the handle 'Lo' in gaugemanifold and stop theoperation of the vacuum pump.Check the condition of the scale and hold it for 1-2min.If the scale-moves back in spite of tightening, makeflaring work again, the return to the beginning of .Open the valve rod for the 2-way valve to an angle ofanticlockwise 90 degrees.After 6 seconds, close the 2-way valve and makethe inspection of gas leakage.No gas leakage?In case of gas leakage, tightenparts of pipe connection. Ifleakage stops, then proceedsteps.Detach the charge hose from the service port, open2-way valve and 3-way. Turn the valve rod anticlockwiseuntil hitting lightly.To prevent the gas leakage, turn the service port'scap, the valve rod's cap for 2-way valve and 3-way'sa little more than the point where the torque increasessuddenly.After attaching the each caps, check the gas leakagearound the caps.CAUTION:1.If the refrigerant of the air conditioner leaks, it is necessary todischarge all the refrigerant. Vacuumize first, then charge the liquidrefrigerant into air conditioner according to the amount marked onthe name plate.2.Please do not let other cooling medium, except specified one (R410A),or air enter into the cooling circulation system. Otherwise, there will beabnormal high pressure in the system to make it crack and lead topersonal injuries.If it does not stop gas leakage, dischargewhole refrigerants from the service port.After flaring work again and vacuumize,fill up prescribed refrigerant from the gascylinder3-way valveGas Side9.52mm(3/8")6.35mm(1/4")2-way valveService port capGaugemanifold(for R410A)Anti countercurrent jointVacuum pump(for R410A)OpenCloseLiquid Side2-way valveValve rod capValve rod cap3-way valve12.7mm(1/2")2-way valve 3-way valve3-way valve2-way valveService port90oOpen 90ofor 6 sec.3-way valve2-way valve6.35mm(1/4")12.7mm(1/2")9.52mm(3/8")