ERROR CODES & PROBLEM SOLVINGPAGE 46ENGLISHCode IndicationDescriptionIndoorOutdoor(LED1 flashtimes)Indoor & Outdoor E7 15 Communication fault between indoor and outdoor unitsIndoor MalfunctionE1 / Room temperature sensor failureE2 / Heat-exchange sensor failureE4 / Indoor EEPROM errorE14 / Indoor fan motor malfunctionOutdoor MalfunctionF12 1 Outdoor EEPROM errorF1 2 The protection of IPMF22 3 Overcurrent protection of AC electricity for the outdoor modelF3 4 Communication fault between the IPM and outdoor PCBF19 6 Power voltage is too high or lowF27 7 Compressor has a locked rotor or stopped momentaryF4 8 Overheat protection for exhaust temperatureF8 9 Outdoor DC fan motor faultF21 10 Frost-removing temperature sensor failureF7 11 Suction temperature sensor failureF6 12 Ambient temperature sensor failureF25 13 Exhaust temperature sensor failureF11 18 Deviate from the normal for the compressorF28 19 Loop of the station detect errorF2 24 Overcurrent of the compressorF23 25 Overcurrent protection for single-phase of the compressorF36 39 Middle part of condenser temperature sensor failureIndoor Unit DisplayError codes will be display on the indoor unit in place of the set temperature.Error Codes and Description Indoor Display