25Note:During heating operation of the unit, the setting temperature of zone 1 is higher than zone 2; during cooling operation ofthe unit, the set temperature of zone 1 is lower than zone 2. If the temperature of the later adjustment exceeds the limit,the temperature in another area will change accordingly.For example, in the heating mode, the set temperature of zone 1 is 45 °C, and the set temperature of zone 2 must beless than or equal to 45 °C. If the set temperature of adjustment zone 2 is 48 °C, the set temperature of zone 1 willautomatically change to 48 °C.If a third-party controller is selected, the setting temperature of the point displays "Link", and the controller cannot changethe set temperature, the temperature is determined by the third-party controller.Tap the lower left menu icon , It will show the following interface:1. Schedule① AddTap on “SCHEDULE” in picture 6. If schedule has been set, the set of schedule information is displayed. If you enterschedule for the first time, it will be blank like below.MenuPicture 6Picture 7Tap the “+” icon in the center of the screen or the icon at the lower right corner, and tap “ADD” to add a new schedule.You can set schedule on (start) and off (end) time, mode, temperature, and cycle days, etc.Operation instructions for controller