17Installing Unit into A WindowWindow Opening RequirementsThe air conditioner is designed to fit into double or single hung sash type windows. Each of theunits comes with an installation kit that provides adjustable mounting louvers, to fill the gapsbetween the sides of the unit, and the window frame. The chart below reflects the dimensions ofthe units with, and without installation kits. Measure your window opening width and compareit to the chart below to ensure that it meets the minimum and maximum window width requirements.ModelA(inch)DimensionB(inch)C(inch)D(inch) MaxCase HighCase WidthD(inch) MinCase DepthHWR08XC5-TSlide left-hand curtain assembly intoleft ends of top and bottom rails.Repeat for right-hand curtainassembly. Fasten curtain retainerstrips to sides of outer case with sixASSEMBLECURTAINSUnpack unit on floor next toinstallation location.13/32" screws.1Caution: Never expose plastic frontor grille to extremetemperatures.English1 31 62 0 1458ABCD