-10-REMOTE CONTROLLERET EXTSELECTING A PAGEDIRECT ACCESSTO THE ITEMSINDEXSUB PAGEHOLDREVEALPress :LISTTELETEXTEnter the number of the page required using the 0 to 9 up/down.Example: page 120, enter 120. The number is displayed top left, thecounter turns and then the page is displayed. Repeat this operation toview another page. If the counter continues to search, this means thatthe page is not transmitted. Select another number.Coloured are as are displayed at the bottom of the screen. The 4coloured keys are used to access the items or corresponding pages.The coloured areas flash when the item or the page is not yet available.This returns to the contents page (usually page 100).Certain pages contain sub-pages which are automatically displayedsuccessively. This key is used to stop or resume sub-page acquisition.The indication appears top left.To freeze the page.To display or hide the concealed in formation (games solutions).The user can set four favorite pages to be directly linked to the fourcolor keys. While list mode is activated, it is not possibility to use TOP orFLOF navigation with the colorkeys. The favorite page numbers shouldbe stored and restored to/from nonvolatile memory for each channel bythe system software.This is used to call or exit teletext modes. The summary appears with alist of items that can be accessed. Each item has a corresponding 3digit page number. If the channel selected does not broadcast teletext,the indication 100 will be displayed and the screen will remain blank (inthis case, exit teletext and select another channel).Teletext is an information system broadcast by certain channels which can be consultedlike a newspaper. It also offers access to subtitles for viewers with hearing problems orwho are not familiar with the transmission language(cable networks,satellite channels,etc.)Size To zoom the page.You will obtain :