To use the menus
1SFTTUIF.&/6CVUUPOPOUIFSFNPUFDPOUSPMUPEJTQMBZthe Main control menu.- Use cursor up/down to highlight and select a menu itemon the left panel.The right panel shows the content of the menu you havehighlighted in the left panel.Note: Sometimes not all the menu items are visible on thescreen. Use cursor down to scroll down to additional items.- Use the cursor right to enter the right panel.The content of the right panel is moved to the left paneland the right panel shows the content of the newly high-lighted item in the left panel.Note: In some cases, you will want to watch the picture on yourscreen while adjusting settings.This means that when the high-light is on the right side panel, the other menu items are hidden.When the cursor left is pressed again, the hidden menu itemsre-appear and the highlight moves to the left panel.
1SFTTUIFDVSTPSMFGUUPHPPOFNFOVMFWFMVQBHBJO- Press the OK button on the highlighted item to activateand to dismiss the menu.- Press the MENU button again to exit the Main controlmenu.Note:The menu is also dismissed by pressing one of theexecutable buttons which may be executed.Select EnterMain Control Picture4 8ContrastSoundInstallBrightnessFeaturesColorSharpnessTintColor tempPicture formatSmart modePicture0(18ExitHow to navigate through the Main control menuIntroductionWhen you use a menu or take an action, convenient instructions will be displayed on your TV.Please, follow the displayed instructions .The Main control menu allows you to access and changesettings and preferences settings.PictureMain ControlSmart mode8 6StandardMovieBrightness 50Sharpness 50Tint 0Color tempPicture formatGamePersonalSmart modeVividPower saverSelect Enter 0(18ExitContrast 60Color 6014