11 //ice_temp_3+59ce_temp_3+3 Increasing slowly8 //ice_temp_3+2Keeping the frequencyice_temp_3 6 6ice_temp_2 5 Decreasing slowlyice_temp_1 3 Decreasing rapidly ice_temp_10 StopWhen Tpg_indoor ice_temp_1 , the frequency of the compressor decreases at the speed of1HZ/1second.When Tpg_indoor ice_temp_2 , the frequency of the compressor decreases at the speed of1HZ/10seconds.When Tpg_indoor begins to rise again, and ice_temp_2 =Tpg_indoor = ice_temp_3 , thefrequency of thecompressor doesn’t change.When ice_temp_3 Tpg_indoor ice_temp_3+3 , the frequency of the compressor increases atthe speed of 1HZ/10seconds.For example, Tpg_indoor<= 0 last for 2 minutes, and then the outdoor unit will stop, and reportunderload malfunction, but don’t send malfunction report to the indoor.The compressor stops for more than 3 minutes, Tpg_indoor> ice_temp_3+2 , the compressorrecovers.In the field which is controlled by high frequency, if the modification rate is not high enough,the control-driven chip will enter into weak magnetic control, this will help to relieve the problemof modification rate. If during the course of weak magnetic control, the modification rate is still nothigh enough, enter into the control of decreasing frequency until the alarm of modification rate isrelieved.If the socket temperature is higher than 120 ,the outdoor unit will stop and reportmalfunction(the LED light flashing 36 times).The compressor stops for more than 3 minutes, thecompressor recovers.When the Defrost temperature and the sensor’s temperature are higher than 65 , the frequencyof the compressor decreases 1hz/10seconds. Keep the frequency until it decreases to the lowestfrequency. When the temperatures are lower than 65 and higher than 60 , keep thefrequency of the compressor. When the temperatures are lower than 60 , relieve the Defrosttemperature protection.a) For the complete appliance’s malfunctions Annex 2If there’s malfunction with the outdoor unit, the light of the outdoor unit will flash and its frequencyis 1HZ, the number of times is according to the table, when a round of flashing is finished, the7.1.5.6 The frequency limitation of modification rate7.1.5.7 The socket protect7.1.5.8 T emperature protection of the outdoor refrigerating coil7.1.5.9 Malfunction display and malfunction handlingFunctions and ControlDomestic air conditioner20