Picture with snow NoiseColor Spot Normal volumeScramble Normal or Weak VolumeNo color Normal volumeNo Picture No soundNo soundNormalNormalDisturb NoiseDouble or Triple Image*To assist in location possible faults use help guide below.BREAKDOWN PHENOMENONPICTURE SOUND CHECKINGThe aerial direction and connectionVolume Sound muteEnsure that the power supply is connected to the TVset and turned on. Also ensure that the TV set is not in"PICTURE MUTE" or that the brightness and contrastare not turned downAdjust color controlAdjust channel againNote:1.If the fault can not be repaired using the above guide consult with your local authorized service center.2.The TV set must only be repaired by a qualified registered service person. Never attempt to removethe back cover as the TV set has dangerous voltages in side that may cause a fatality or fire.3. The cabinet may produce the occasional "snapping sound". This is normal and caused by the materialsin the cabinet expanding with room temperature changes.Electrical interference which can be caused by cars,motorbikes etc, Fluorescent lamps and dirtyinsulators on overhead power cables.This is called ghosting which can be minimized withan outside aerial, and good quality cable andterminations. Altering the aerial direction can alsominimize this effect.TroubleshootingColour Purity fault which can be caused by moving theTV set, placing magnets near the TV screen or turningon/off house hold appliances such as vacuumcleanersnear the TV set. Turn the TV off with the mains powerswitch for 15 minutes. When the power is turn on againthe TV set will automatically degauss the picture. Inserver cases leave the TV set turned off over night.