35System settingsFactory ResetConfirm the following prompt with YES to reset the radioto the factory default settings.All settings made previously are deleted.Note• Resetting to the factory default settings can solvesome problems and malfunctions.• However, all settings made previously, such as customequaliser presets, favorites, and network profiles, arepermanently deleted.15.6 Software updateWe are constantly developing new software featuresand improvements for our radios to fix problems, addfunctionality, etc.We recommend that you keep your radio’s software up todate.• Proceed as follows:[menu]System settingsSoftware update• Set Auto-check setting to YES to have the radioautomatically check for new software updates at regularintervals. (Recommendation)• Choose Check now to manually start a check forsoftware updates.Warning• Make sure that the radio has a stable power supplybefore you start a software update.• Power supply failure during a software update cancause irreparable damage to the radio.15.7 Setup wizardYou can restart the setup wizard (5.4.1. Setup wizard) atany time by proceeding as follows:[menu]System settingsSetup wizard15.8 Info• To have the radio display current information aboutits hardware and software (version numbers, devicedesignation, radio ID, etc.), proceed as follows:[menu]System settingsInfo• If you have already registered your radio on theonline portal of Frontier Silicon(http://www.wifiradio-frontier.com), then you canfind out the radio ID there, as well.15.9 BacklightThe backlight can be configured for each operatingmode (Operation Mode, Standby Mode, Slumber Mode)separately.