12radiofrequency (2,4 Ghz), red means the remotefunctions on infrared. Orange means the remotefunctions on 868 Mhz.Under this cover you can find a dipswitch to set adifferent canal.The infrared remotes work out of the box. If theydon’t, they can be linked as follows: Press andhold the red button on the board P1. A yellowlight will illuminate on the board. Press any button on the handset andthe light will go out.9. The safety edgesTwo direction-sensitive safety edges and one general safety edge havebeen included in the Handicare 2000.The direction-sensitive safety edgesThe direction-sensitive safety edge prevents the lift from moving furtherin the direction that is blocked.However, the Handicare 2000 can still be moved in the oppositedirection to remove the block.The diagnostic code shows “4” or “6”The following switches have been included in the direction-sensitivesafety edge:• Footrest switches• Detection switches for the power packThe handing of the safety edges is when sitting on the lift.Version 2.1 128. The remotesThe remotes function on infrared. On the backside is a dipswitchfor setting a different code.The lower button is a special button for parking the lift. On thebackside is a red,orange or green cover. Green means theremote functions on radiofrequency (2,4 Ghz), red means theremote functions on infrared. Orange means the remotefunctions on 868 Mhz.Under this cover you can find a dipswitch to set a different canal.The infrared remotes work out of the box. If they don’t, they can be linked as followsPress and hold the red button on the board P1. A yellow light will illuminate on theboard. Press any button on the handset and the light will go out.