4The HI 95761 is an auto diagnostic portable microprocessor meter that benefits from Hanna’syears of experience as a manufacturer of analytical instruments. It has the advanced opticalsystem based on a special tungsten lamp and a narrow band interference filter that allows mostaccurate and repeatable readings. All instruments are factory calibrated and the electronic andoptical design minimizes the need of frequent calibration.With the powerful CAL CHECK™ validation function you are able to validate good performance ofyour instrument at any time. The validation procedure is extremely user friendly. Just use theexclusive Hanna ready-made, NIST traceable standards to verify the performance of the instrumentand recalibrate if necessary.All instruments are splash waterproof and the lamp and filter units are protected from dust or dirtby a transparent cup. This makes the instruments fulfill field applications. Display codes aid theuser in routine operation. The meter has an auto-shut off feature that will turn off the instrumentafter 10 minutes of non use or after 1 hour if left in the calibration mode.The meter uses an exclusive positive-locking system to ensure that the cuvet is in the sameposition every time it is placed into the measurement cell. It is designed to fit a cuvet with a largerneck making it easier to add both sample and reagents. The cuvet is made from special opticalglass to obtain best results.The HI 95761 portable meter measures the total chlorine (Cl2 ) content in water samples in the0.000 to 0.500 mg/L (ppm) range. The method is an adaption of the USEPA METHOD 330.5 forwastewater.The reagent is in powder form and is supplied in packets. The amount of reagent is precisely dosedto ensure the maximum repeatability.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONdegree CelsiusUS Environmental Protection Agencydegree Fahrenheitmilligrams per liter. mg/L is equivalent to ppm (part per million)milliliter°C:EPA:°F:mg/L:mL:ABBREVIATIONS17or• Press READ/TIMER and “SIP” will blink duringmeasurement.• The instrument will show for three seconds theCAL CHECK™ standard value.Then the date of last calibration (e.g.: “01.08”)appears on the display, or “01.01” if the factorycalibration was selected. In both cases thenumber of the month is blinking, ready for dateinput.Note: if the display shows “ERR” the calibrationprocedure failed. Verify that both CAL CHECK™Standards HI 95761-11 Cuvets, A and B, arefree from fingerprints or dirt and that they areinserted correctly.DATE INPUT• Keep READ/TIMER pressed to scroll to the desiredmonth number (01-12).• When the correct month has been set, pressZERO to confirm. Now the display will show theday number blinking. Keep READ/TIMER pressedto scroll to the desired day number (01-31).Note: it is possible to change from day tomonth and vice versa by pressing ZERO.• When both the day and month have beenselected, hold CAL CHECK for three seconds tostore date and calibration values. The instrumentwill show for one second “Stor”, to confirm thatthe new calibration data has been accepted.• The instrument will return automatically to themeasurement mode by displaying "761" onthe LCD.