Built-in oven with digital timer 65M90E0-E11A99G GB-41GeneralEnvironmental protectionPackagingOur packaging is made of environmental-ly-friendly, recyclable materials:– Outer packaging made of cardboard– Moulded parts made of foamed, CFC-freepolystyrene (PS)– Films and bags made of polyethylene (PE)– Tension bands made of polypropylene (PP)– Saving energy also protects against exces-sive global warming. Your new appliance us-es little energy due to its modern technology.If you would like to dispose of the packaging,please dispose of it in an environmentally friend-ly way.Disposing of old electricaldevices in an environmentally-friendly mannerElectrical appliances contain harmful substanc-es as well as valuable resources.Every consumer is therefore required by law todispose of old electrical appliances at an author-ised collection or return point. They will thus bemade available for environmentally-sound, re-source-saving recycling.You can dispose of old electrical appliances freeof charge at your local recycling centre.Please contact your dealer directly for more in-formation about this topic.Tips for saving energy– Preheat the oven only if it is called for in therecipe or stipulated in the cooking tables pro-vided.– Use dark-coloured baking dishes and trayswhen possible. They effectively absorb theheat.– Avoid frequently opening the oven door dur-ing cooking, baking or roasting.– Bake several cakes one after the other whilethe oven is still warm in order to shorten thebaking time for subsequent cakes. If you useloaf tins, place both of them side by side inthe oven.– In the case of longer cooking times, switchthe oven off 10 minutes before the end of thecooking time. The residual heat is sufficientenough to complete the cooking.