![Hardi ATV Series Operator's Manual Manual pdf 43 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3396298/2663f62ac9e53d053614d622d994a1dc43f.jpg)
41HARDI® ATV SPRAYER DIAPHRAGM OPERATOR'S MANUAL7.0 Off-Season StorageWhen the spraying season is over, you should devote some extra timeto the Sprayer. If chemi cal resi dues are left over in the sprayer for longperiods, it can reduce the life of the individual components. To preservethe sprayer and protect the components, carry out the following off-season storage program:1. Clean the sprayer completely - inside and outside - as describedunder "Cleaning The Sprayer" (section 5.1). Make sure that allvalves, hoses and auxiliary equipment have been cleaned withdetergent and flushed with clean water afterwards, so no chemi calresidues are left in the sprayer.2. Replace any damaged seals and repair any Ieaks.3. Empty the sprayer completely and let the pump work for a fewminutes. Operate all valves and handles to drain as much waterout of the spraying circuit as possible. Let the pump run until air iscoming out of all the nozzles.4. Pour in a mixture of ethylene glycol base antifreeze and water at theratio for the desired temperature protection (there will be a smallamount of water left in the hoses, pump and bottom of tank). Thevolume of the mixture needs to be enough to keep the tank sump fullwhile the pump is running fluid through the entire circuit.5. Engage the pump and operate all valves and functions of theplumbing system. Spray the spraygun (optional) into the tank untilantifreeze sprays out to make sure the line is full of antifreeze.Open the distribution valves so the anti freeze is sprayed throughthe nozzles as well. The anti freeze will also prevent O-rings, seals,diaphragms etc. from drying out.6. When the sprayer is dry, remove rust from any scratches ordamages in the paint and touch up the paint.7. Lubricate all lubricating points according to the lubri cating schemeregardless of intervals stated.8. Re move the glycerine-filled pressure gauge and store in a verticalposition in frost free conditions.9. Apply a thin layer of anti corrosive oil (e.g. SHELL ENSIS FLUID,CASTROL RUSTILLO or simi lar) on all metal parts. Avoid oil onrubber parts, hoses and tires.