14 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONSSystem InstallationAfter unpacking the unit, and placing it on a solidsurface capable of supporting its weight, you willneed to make the connections to your audio andvideo equipment.Audio Equipment ConnectionsWe recommend that you use high-quality inter-connect cables when making connections tosource equipment and recorders to preserve theintegrity of the signals.When making connections to audio sourceequipment or speakers it is always a good prac-tice to unplug the unit from the AC wall outlet.This prevents any possibility of accidentallysending audio or transient signals to the speak-ers that may damage them.1. Connect the analog output of a CD player tothe CD inputs •.NOTE: When the CD player has both fixed andvariable audio outputs it is best to use the fixedoutput unless you find that the input to thereceiver is so low that the sound is noisy, or sohigh that the signal is distorted.2. Connect the analog Play/Out jacks of a cas-sette deck, MD, CD-R or other audio recorder tothe Tape Input jacks ¡. Connect the analogRecord/In jacks on the recorder to the TapeOutput jacks ™ on the AVR 110.3. Connect the output of any digital sourcesto the appropriate input connections on theAVR 110 rear panel. Note that the Opticaland Coaxial Digital Inputs gh#$ maybe used with a Dolby Digital or DTS source orthe output of a conventional CD or LD player’sPCM (S/P-DIF) output.4. Connect the Coaxial or Optical DigitalOutputs ª on the rear panel of the AVR 110 tothe matching digital input connections on a CD-Ror MiniDisc recorder.5. Assemble the AM Loop Antenna suppliedwith the unit as shown below. Connect it to theAM and GND screw terminals ¢ .6. Connect the supplied FM antenna to the FM(75 ohm) connection ¶. The FM antenna maybe an external roof antenna, an inside poweredor wire lead antenna or a connection from acable TV system. Note that if the antenna orconnection uses 300-ohm twin-lead cable, youmust use the 300-ohm-to-75-ohm adapter sup-plied with the unit to make the connection.7. Connect the front, center and surroundspeaker outputs ‹›fi to the respectivespeakers.To ensure that all the audio signals are carriedto your speakers without loss of clarity or reso-lution, we suggest that you use high-qualityspeaker cable. Many brands of cable are avail-able and the choice of cable may be influencedby the distance between your speakers and thereceiver, the type of speakers you use, personalpreferences and other factors. Your dealer orinstaller is a valuable resource to consult inselecting the proper cable.Regardless of the brand of cable selected, werecommend that you use a cable constructed offine, multistrand copper with a gauge of 14 orsmaller. Remember that in specifying cable, thelower the AWG number, the thicker the cable.Cable with a gauge of 16 may be used for shortruns of less than ten feet. We do not recom-mend that you use cables with an AWG equiva-lent of 18 or higher due to the power loss anddegradation in performance that will occur.Cables that are run inside walls should have theappropriate markings to indicate listing with UL,CSA or other appropriate testing agency stan-dards. Questions about running cables insidewalls should be referred to your installer or alicensed electrical contractor who is familiarwith the NEC and/or the applicable local build-ing codes in your area.When connecting wires to the speakers, be cer-tain to observe proper polarity. Remember toconnect the “negative” or “black” wire to thesame terminal on both the receiver and thespeaker. Similarly, the “positive” or “red” wireshould be connected to like terminals on theAVR 110 and speaker.NOTE: While most speaker manufacturersadhere to an industry convention of using blackterminals for negative and red ones for positive,some manufacturers may vary from this config-uration. To assure proper phase and optimalperformance, consult the identification plate onyour speaker or the speaker’s manual to verifypolarity. If you do not know the polarity of yourspeaker, ask your dealer for advice before pro-ceeding, or consult the speaker’s manufacturer.We also recommend that the length of cableused to connect speaker pairs be identical.For example, use the same length piece ofcable to connect the front-left and front-rightor surround-left and surround-right speakers,even if the speakers are a different distancefrom the AVR 110.8. Connections to a subwoofer are normallymade via a line-level audio connection from theSubwoofer Output ¤ to the line-level inputof a subwoofer with a built-in amplifier. When apassive subwoofer is used, the connection firstgoes to a power amplifier, which will be con-nected to one or more subwoofer speakers. Ifyou are using a powered subwoofer that doesnot have line-level input connections, follow theinstructions furnished with the speaker for con-nection information.Video Equipment ConnectionsVideo equipment is connected in the same man-ner as audio components. Again, the use of high-quality interconnect cables is recommended topreserve signal quality.1. Connect a VCR’s or other video source’saudio and video Play/Out jacks to the Video 1or Video 2 In jacks £cek on the rearpanel. The Audio and Video Record/In jacks onthe VCR should be connected to the Video 1or Video 2 Out jacks ∞bfi on theAVR 110.2. Connect the analog audio and video outputsof a satellite receiver, cable TV converter ortelevision set or any other video source to theVideo 3 jacks dj.3. Connect the analog audio and videooutputs of a DVD or laser disc player to theDVD jacks §‚.4. Connect the digital audio outputs of a DVDplayer, satellite receiver, cable box or HDTV con-verter to the appropriate Optical or CoaxialDigital Inputs gh#$.5. Connect the Video Monitor Output ⁄jacks on the receiver to the composite orS-Video input of your television monitor orvideo projector.Installation and Connections