14 SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONSystem ConfigurationOnce the speakers have been placed in theroom and connected, the remaining steps are toprogram the system configuration memories.With the AVR 1550 two kind of memories areused, those associated individually with theinput selected, e.g. surround modes, and othersworking independently from any input selectedlike speaker output levels, or delay times usedby the surround sound processor.First Turn OnYou are now ready to power up the AVR 1550 tobegin these final adjustments.1. Plug the Power Cable into an un-switched AC outlet.2. Press the Main Power Switch 1 in until itlatches and the word “OFF” on the top of theswitch disappears inside the front panel. Notethat the Power Indicator 3 will turn orange,indicating that the unit is in the Standby mode.3. Remove the protective plastic film from thefront-panel lens. If left in place, the film mayaffect the performance of your remote control.4. Install the three supplied AAA batteries in theremote as shown. Be certain to follow the (+)and (–) polarity indicators that are on thebottom of the battery compartment.5. Turn the AVR 1550 on either by pressing theSystem Power Control 2 or the InputSource Selector ! on the front panel, or viathe remote by pressing the AVR Selector 5or any of the Input Selectors 46 on theremote. The Power Indicator 3 will turn greento confirm that the unit is on, and the MainInformation Display * will also light up.Settings to be Made With EachInput UsedThe AVR 1550 features an advanced memorysystem that enables you to establish differentsettings for the speaker configuration, digitalinput and surround mode for each input source.This flexibility enables you to custom tailor theway in which you listen to each source and havethe AVR 1550 memorize them. This means, forexample, that you may associate different sur-round modes and analog or digital inputs withdifferent sources, or set different speaker config-urations with the resultant changes to the bassmanagement system or the use of the Centerspeaker. Once these settings are made, they willautomatically be recalled whenever you selectan input.The default settings for the AVR 1550, as it isshipped from the factory, have all inputs set foran analog source (except for the DVD input,which has the Coaxial Digital Input 1 asthe default), with stereo as the surround mode,the front left and right speakers set to “large”(with surround modes other speakers to”small”), and a subwoofer connected. Beforeusing the unit, you will probably want to changethese settings for most inputs so that they areproperly configured to reflect the use of digitalor analog inputs, the type of speakers installedand the surround mode associated with theinput. Remember, since the AVR 1550’s memorysystem keeps the settings for each input sepa-rate from the other inputs, you will need to makethese adjustments for each input used. However,once they are made, further adjustment is onlyrequired when system components are changed.To make this process as quick and as easy aspossible, we suggest that with each of these set-tings to be made you step through each input.Once you have completed the settings for thefirst input, many settings may be duplicated forthe remaining inputs.The items that follow will describe the individualsettings required for each input.Input SetupThe first step in configuring the AVR 1550 is toselect an input. This may be done by pressingthe front panel Input Source Selector !until the desired input’s name appears momen-tarily in the Main Information Display M.The input may also be selected by pressingthe appropriate Input Selector on theremote control 46.The second step is to associate one of the digitalinputs with the selected input source (if this isneeded, otherwise the selected analog input willremain). Press the Digital Input Select buttonÔF on the front panel or the remote. Withinfive seconds, make your input selection using theSelector buttons on the front panel & or the⁄/¤ buttons C on the remote until thedesired digital or analog input is shown in theMain Information Display M. Then press theEnter button E to enter the new digital inputassignment.After the setting has been made with one input,repeat as described above with all inputs in use.The digital input associated with the inputselected can also be changed at any time laterand the AVR 1550´s memory system will keepthe settings until they are changed again.Speaker SetupThis setup tells the AVR 1550 which type ofspeakers are in use. This is important as itadjusts the settings that determine whichspeakers receive low frequency (bass) informa-tion and whether a Center speaker should beused or not, separately for each input used.For each of these settings use the L A R G Esetting if the speakers for a particular positionare traditional full-range loudspeakers that arecapable of reproducing sounds below 100Hz.Use the S M A L L setting for smaller,frequency-limited satellite speakers that do notreproduce sounds below 100Hz. Note thatwhen “small” front (left and right) speakers areused, a subwoofer is required to reproduce lowfrequency sounds. If you are in doubt as towhich category describes your speakers, consultthe specifications in the speakers’ owner’smanual, or ask your dealer. Remember that eachspeaker setup that differs from the defaultsettings (see above) must be made individuallyfor each input in use.It is best to select the Dolby Pro Logic II Moviemode for speaker setup. Then with the currentlyselected input all speaker settings will be copiedto other surround modes too (as far as possible)and need not be repeated with any other mode.