L Time Indicators: These indicators light inconjunction with one of the time indicatorsMNO to show which of the time statusmodes is active.M Remaining-Time Indicators: These indica-tors light when the Information Display Kshows the time remaining on a disc.N Total Time: These indicators light when theInformation Display K shows the total time ofall tracks on a disc.O Track Time: These indicators light when theInformation Display K shows the running timeof the individual track being played.P R/RW Indicator: This indicator shows whichtype of recordable disc is present in the RecordDeck %. When a CD-R disc is present, only theR is lit. The RW lights when an erasable CD-RWdisc is in use.Q Play/Pause Indicators: These indicatorsshow the status of the individual CD decks. The› lights when the CD is playing, and the › ±±lights when the unit is in a Pause mode.R Sample-Rate Converter: This indicatorlights when the Sample-Rate Converter is in useto change the digital sample rate when theincoming signal is not the standard 44.1kHzused by standard CDs. This is an automatic func-tion and does not require any user intervention.S CD Indicators: These indicators light whena standard CD is playing in either deck 3 or%.T Record Indicator: This indicator lightswhen the unit is making a recording and flashesduring the preparations for recording.U Finalize Indicator: This indicator lightswhen the unit is in the Finalization process,which is required before a CD-R disc may beplayed on a standard CD machine. See page 22for more information on Finalization.V Erase Indicator: This indicator lights whena CD-RW disc is being erased. Note that onlyCD-RW discs may be erased; it is not possible toerase a CD-R disc. See page 22 for more infor-mation on erasing discs.W Auto Indicator: This indicator lights whenthe automatic method of incrementing tracks isselected for a recording session. See page 21 formore information on track increments.X Analog Indicator: This indicator lightswhen an analog source is being recorded.See page 21 for more information on sourceselection.Y Digital Indicator: This indicator lights whena digital source is being recorded. See page 21for more information on source selection.Front-Panel Information Display9CDR20 harman/kardon