10 REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONSREMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONS0 Power On: Turns on the player when it is inStandby mode (Harman Kardon logo appears on-screen).1 Playlist: Press this button to change the order inwhich tracks are played on a CD or chapters areplayed on a DVD. (See page 28 for more informationon creating and playing playlists.)2 Audio Select: Press to access various audio lan-guages on a DVD (If the DVD contains multiple audiostreams).3 Open/Close: Press to open or close the disctray.4 M NKL Navigation Buttons: Use to movethe cursor in the OSD.5 Info: Press once for detailed informations on thedisc playing (Video/Audio Bit rate, Movie aspect ratioand others). Press again to remove information fromscreen.6 Pause: Press this button to pause the disc andfreeze the picture during DVD or VCD playback, or topause the playback of a CD. To play a DVD in the fast,slow or forward mode, first press this button and thenpress either the Search/Slow Forward L orReverse 9 button.7 Play: Press this button to begin the playback of adisc, or to resume the playback when a disc has beenpaused.8 Previous Step/Skip: Press this button once toskip back to the beginning of the current chapter on aDVD or track on a CD. Press it again to continue toskip back through the remaining chapters or tracks.After first pressing the Pause button 6, press thisbutton to step backwards through a DVD as a series ofstill image frames. Press it again to continue to skipback through the remaining previous chapters.9 Search/Slow Reverse: This button initiates fastor slow play in the reverse mode. For fast reverse play,each press of the button when playing DVD discschanges the speed as indicated by the number of left-facing arrows appearing in the upper right corner ofthe screen and in the Playback Mode IndicatorsK. For slow reverse play, first press the Pause button6 and the each subsequent press of this buttonwill change the slow play speed as indicated by thenumber of left-facing arrows appearing in the upperright corner of the screen and in the Playback ModeIndicators K.A Stop: When a DVD is playing, press thisbutton once to place the disc in the Resume mode,which means that playback will stop. However, as longas the disc drawer is not opened DVD playback willcontinue from the point where the disc was stoppedwhen the Play button 73 is pressed again.Pressing the button twice will stop the disc and playwill start from the beginning of the disc when the Playbutton 73 is pressed again. During CD playbackpress this button to stop playback.B Video Off: Press this button to turn off the videooutput for improved audio performance when playingCDs. Press it again to view the on-screen menus.C Display: Press to change the brightness of thefront panel display or to turn the display off completelyin the following order: FULL BRIGHTNESS ➜ HALFBRIGHTNESS ➜ OFF ➜ FULL BRIGHTNESSD Title: When a DVD is playing, press this buttonto go back to the main title menu for the disc beingplayed.E Clear: Press this button to remove on-screenmenus or banners from the display screen.F Numeric Keys: Press these buttons to enter anumber.G Light: Press to illuminate remote controller.H A-B Repeat: Press this button to enter the start-ing point of a sequence on a disc you wish to repeat.The second press enters the end of the selection tobe repeated. Once the “A” (start) and “B” (end) pointshave been entered the player will repeat the selectionuntil the Play button 73 is pressed or the disc isstopped.I Angle: Press this button to change the angle ondiscs programmed for multiple angle views.J Zoom: Press this button to zoom in on theimage from a DVD, VCD or JPEG image. The imagemay be expanded by a factor of x2, x3, x4 or x5.Once the on-screen indication of the zoom ratio leavesthe screen you may use the Navigation buttons 4to move the picture across the screen.K Picture –/+: Press these buttons to move to thenext (+) or previous (–) image when playing a discwith JPEG images.L Search/Slow Forward: This button initiates fastor slow play in the forward mode. For fast forward play,each press of the button when playing DVD discschanges the speed as indicated by the number ofright-facing arrows appearing in the upper right cornerof the screen and in the Playback Mode IndicatorsK. For slow forward play, first press the Pausebutton 6 and the each subsequent press of thisbutton will change the slow play speed as indicatedby the number of right-facing arrows appearing in theupper right corner of the screen and in the PlaybackMode Indicators K.M Next Step/Skip: Press this button once toadvance to the beginning of the next chapter on aDVD or track on a CD. Press it again to continue toadvance through the available chapters or tracks. Afterfirst pressing the Pause button 6, press this buttonto step through a DVD as a series of still imageframes.N Status: Press while a disc is playing to viewbanner display. Use the M NKL Navigationbuttons 4 to move through the different featuresin the Banner Display. When a symbol is highlighted,press ENTER P on the remote to select it.O Disc Menu: While a DVD is playing, press thisbutton to view the disc’s main navigation menu.P Enter: Press this button to enter a setting to theplayer’s menu or to confirm a menu selection choiceon a disc’s on-screen menu.Q OSD: Press this button to use the on-screenmenu system to adjust the player’s configurationsettings or to build a playlist. Subtitle: When a DVD is playing, press to selecta subtitle language or to turn subtitles off. Off: Turns off the player to standby mode. Random: Press this button to play the trackson a CD, MP3, WMA or JPEG disc in random order. Repeat: Press this button to view the RepeatMenu that allows you to change the playback modeto repeat a chapter or track or the entire disc. IR Emitter: This small, clear button-like devicesends the IR commands from the remote control tothe DVD 22. To ensure proper performance of theremote control, be sure to point it toward the unit anddo not cover it with your fingers when sending remotecommands.