TROUBLESHOOTING CHECKLISTchecklist. Also check other related components such as thetuner, turntable, speakers and other electrical equipment youuse with this amplifier.Most of the problems consumers have with their high fidelitysystem are due to incorrect operation. If this unit does notoperate as you intended, first check the items in the followingProblem |The POWER indicator does notlight up when the POWERswitch is pressed.Cause RemedyThe power cord is not plugged in.The POWER indicator lights up,but no sound is heard.The TAPE MONITOR selectoris in the “tape1” or “tape 2” position.The FUNCTION selection was not madeproperly.The SPEAKERS selector is in the “off” po-sition.The speaker wires are disconnected orbroken.Sound is not heard from thespeaker system on one side.The connection of speaker wires is incorrector incomplete.The connection wires to other equipmentare disconnected.The BALANCE control knob is turned toeither the extreme right or left position.When playing a turntable, alow-pitched noise (“hum” orlevel while playing a turntable,an undesirable prolonged sound(howling) is are reversed.The ground wire of the turntable is dis-connected.turntable.Too much low frequency sound is present.Plug in the power cord securely.Set the TAPE MONITOR selector to the“source” position.Set the FUNCTION selector to the properposition for the desired program source.Set the SPEAKERS selector to the positionof your desired speaker system(s).Check the speaker wires and connect themcorrectly.Check the speaker wires for disconnectionor breaking and reconnect them correctly.Check the wires for disconnection andconnect them correctly.Set the mark on the BALANCE control knobto the center position.When listening to stereo sound, | @ Theleftandright speaker wires are reversed. | @ Check the speaker wires and connect themthe left and right sounds are correctly.reversed. © The left and right wires connected to other | @ Check the wires to other equipment andconnect them correctly.Make the ground wire connection correctly.“buzz”) is heard. e The connections of the turntable wires are | @ Insert the turntable wires into the PHONOincorrect or incomplete. jacks of this unit securely.When increasing the volume e “Howling” is created by the speakers and è Place the speakers further away from theturntable.Place the turntable on a more solid surface.Decrease the setting of the BASS controlknob.Turn off the LOUDNESS switch.Sound quality is poor. Input components have not been set upcorrectly.Tone control is not proper.Check the antenna of the tuner, cartridgeof the turntable, or head of the tape deck,etc. and make corrections as needed.Adjust the BASS and/or TREBLE controlknobs to obtain the desired tone.