7thermal stresses which they will be subjectto during foreseen normal use wheninstalled in accordance with themanufacturers recommendations.1.3 General RequirementsCautionBefore installation, check that the localdistribution conditions, nature of gas andpressure, and the current state adjustmentof the appliance are compatible.WarningUnauthorised modifications to the appliance,or departure from the manufacturersguidance on intended use, or, installationc o n t r a r y t o t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r srecommendations may constitute a hazard.Note:To ignore the warning and caution notices,and to ignore the advice from themanufacturer on installation, commissioning,servicing, or use, will jeopardise anyapplicable warranty, moreover, such asituation could also compromise the safeand efficient running of the appliance itself,and thereby constitute a hazard.This appliance must be installed by acompetent person and in accordance withEuropean, National, and Local criteria,including any relevant standards, codes ofpractice the requirements of the currentbuilding Regulations ( in particular parts J &L), Health and safety regulations IEEregulations and any requirements of thelocal Authority, Fire Officer or insurersrelevant standards may include BS6230,BS6891 and BS5588 parts 2 and 3.Prior to installation the following pointsshould be considered;a) The position of the heater for theoptimum efficient distribution and circulationof warm air.b) The position of the heater relative to theroute of the flue.c) The position of the heater relative to thesupply of gas.d) The position of the heater relative to theelectrical services, wiring routes, and ifappropriate, any additional controls.e) The position of the heater relative to thesupply of fresh air.f) The position of the heater relative topotential stratification / circulation problems,which generally occur at higher levels andwhich may be overcome through theprovision of a suitable de-stratification unit.g) The position of the heater relative toservice and maintenance requirements.CautionThe heater must not be installed within anarea where the conditions are unsuitable,e.g. where the atmosphere is highlycorrosive, has a high degree of salinity, orwhere high wind velocities may affect burneroperation. Suitable protection should beprovided for the appliance when it is locatedin a position where it may be susceptible toexternal mechanical damage from; forexample, fork lift trucks, overhead cranesetc.1.4 Delivery and pre-installationchecksThe heater is supplied wrapped in heavyduty protective polythene, mounted on apallet.On receipt of the heater, the followingchecks should be carried out;a) The model is as per order.b) That it is undamaged.c) That it is suitable for the gas supply andpressure.d) That it is suitable for the electrical supply.If any of these points are not satisfied thencontact should be made with the SalesOffice at Harry Taylor Ltd as soon aspossible by telephoning 0161 308 4550. Inthe case of claims for damage, this must bereported in writing within 24 hours ofdelivery, in order to comply with insurancecriteria.