7The warranty commences from the date ofdispatch from the manufacturer, and issubject to the terms detailed within HarryTaylor Ltd 'conditions of business'.Note (i)The warranty may be invalidated if -a) The installation is not in accordance withthe general requirements of this manual.b) The flue arrangement and air supply forthe heater are not in accordance with themanufacturers recommendations, codes ofpractice, or similar standardsc) Air flow through the heater is not inaccordance with the manufacturerstechnical specifications.d) Internal wiring on the heater has beentampered with or unauthorised servicerepairs undertaken.e) The main electrical supply input to theheater has been interrupted during theheating mode.f) The heater has been subject to andaffected by the ingress of water in any formg) The heater is not operated at the rating(s)laid down in the manufacturers technicalspecifications.h) The heater has not been operated orused within the normal scope of its intendedapplication.i) The manufacturer's recommendedminimum service requirements have notbeen complied withNote (ii)All warranty claims must contain thefollowing information to enable processing totake place;(1) Heater model(2) Heater serial number(3) Order reference/date of order, togetherwith full installation details (name andaddress)(4) Details or symptoms of fault(5) Installers name and address.Faulty parts must be returned to the HarryTaylor Ltd Spares Department, the addressof which is provided on the cover of thismanual. Any such parts will undergoinspection to verify the claim. Replacementparts supplied prior to this may be charged,and a credit supplied upon subsequentvalidation of the warranty claim.Consumable items are specifically notincluded within the scope of the warranty.Note (iii)Notification is required immediately a fault issuspected.The manufacturer will not acceptresponsibility for any additional damage thathas been caused, expense incurred, orconsequential loss resulting from any failureof the heater(s).1.6 SPECIAL RISK AREASWhere it is proposed to install a heaterwithin a special risk area (e.g. an areacontaining flammable vapours where petrolengined vehicles are stored parked orserviced where paint spraying occurs, orwhere woodworking machinery or otherflammable dust creating process’s areemployed then restrictions, additionalregulations concerning the heater flue wiringor controls may apply.It is strongly recommended that you contactHarry Taylor Ltd Technical beforeinstallation.CautionWhen used in room sealed mode it may bepossible to install Variante heaters in areascontaining flammable vapours, high levels ofairborne dust combustible dust chlorinatedor halogenated hydrocarbons degreasingsolvents styrenes other laminating materialsor airborne silicones. Harry Taylor LtdTechnical should be contacted beforeinstallation.Failure to do so may invalidate or reduceguarantee cover.Plant Room SitingProvided certain criteria are met it ispossible to install VRC (centrifugal fans)within a plant room heaters installed in plantrooms should only be configured for use inroom sealed mode and provision should bemade for the positive connection of flues ,combustion air pipes, warm air dischargeand return ductwork where such a siting is arequirement it is recommended that you