TNL SN20-9843 (03-27-87) to 75X0152 or 75X0166Start of Call PIC 0010Read these notes:1. Some system unit components do not cool correctly when the cover isoff. For this reason do not power the system unit on longer than 10minutes with the cover off.2. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully. Do not do any actions suchas; removing the diskette, operating the mouse, or keying characters,unless directed by the instructions.3. Be sure that all programs or operating systems are stopped (get help ifneeded).4. If the IBM 6150 System Unit is connected to an IBM 5085 GraphicsProcessor, do the following before loading the diagnostics:a. Set the power switch on the IBM 5085 to Off.b. Be sure the IBM 5085 System Diskette is in the IBM 5085, then setthe power switch to On.c. Load the diagnostic programs in the IBM 6150.d. Switch the keyboard to the IBM 6150 (Alt-Sw Keybd).5. If the problem is with the IBM 5085 or a device attached to the IBM5085, go to the maintenance instructions for the IBM 5085.(3/87) Problem Isolation Charts 3-0010-1