2-15Table 2-3 Error Symptoms ListError Symptoms Action/FRUNOTE: To diagnose a problem, first find the error symptom in the leftcolumn. If directed to a check procedure, replace the FRU indicated in thecheck procedure. If no check procedure is indicated, the first Action/FRUlisted in right column is the most likely cause.Processor / Processor FanNOTE: Normally, the processor fan should be operative, and the processorclock setting should be exactly set to match its speed requirement beforediagnosing any processor problems.Processor fan does not run butpower supply fan runs.Make sure that the system is not in powersaving mode. See “Power Management” onpage 1-15.With the system power on, measure thevoltage of processor fan connector FN (see“Machine Type 2156 System Board Layout”on page 5-3 or see “2156 System BoardConnectors and Functions” on page 5-6). Itsreading should be +12Vdc.Processor fan.System board.Processor test failed. Processor.System board.System Board and MemoryNOTE: Ensure that the memory modules are installed properly and thecontact lead is clean before diagnosing any system problems.Memory test failed. “Memory” on page 2-31System boardIncorrect memory size shownor repeated during POST.Insert the memory modules in the DIMMsockets properly, then reboot the system.Memory module. See the “Step 005” of“Memory” on page 2-31 to replace memorymodule.System board.