IBM United States Hardware Announcement110-009IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 417031-D24 24 24 247031-T24 24 24 247214-1U2 1 1 67314-G30 8 8 8I/O drawers are connected to the adapters in the CEC with the following cables:• Data transfer cables:– 12X DDR cables for the feature 5802 and 5877 I/O drawers– 12X SDR or DDR cables for the feature 5796 and 7314-G30 I/O drawers• Power control cables12X I/O drawer cable connections are always made in loops to help protect againsta single point-of-failure resulting from an open, missing, or disconnected cable. Asystem with nonlooped configurations could experience degraded performance andserviceability. If a nonloop connection is detected, a problem is reported.The first 12X I/O drawer attached in any I/O drawer loop requires two data transfercables. Each additional drawer in the loop (up to the maximum allowed) requiresone additional data transfer cable.The first 12X I/O drawer attached to a system unit requires two power controlcables. Each additional I/O drawer added to a system requires one additional powercontrol cable. Each system has one power control loop. All I/O drawers attached toa system are included in the same power control loop. Power control cable loops aredifferent in this regard from data transfer cable loops.Dual-Port 12X Adapter OptionsDual-Port 12X Channel Attach Adapter (#6446): Use the short run adapter forfeature 5796 or 7314-G30 expansion I/O drawers located in close proximity to thehost system or to other drawers in the I/O expansion loop. This adapter does notinclude signal repeaters.Dual-Port 12X Channel Attach Adapter (#6457): Use the long run adapter forfeature 5796 or 7314-G30 expansion I/O drawers located farther from the hostsystem or other I/O drawers in the I/O expansion loop. This adapter includes signalrepeaters to accommodate the longer cable lengths.12X Cable ChoiceEach feature 5796 or 7314-G30 12X drawer requires one Dual-Port 12X ChannelAdapter, either Short Run (#6446) or Long Run (#6457). The choice of adapters isdependent on the distance to the next 12X Channel connection in the loop, either toanother I/O drawer or the system unit. The following table identifies the supportedcable lengths for each 12X Channel adapter. I/O drawers containing the Short Runadapter can be mixed in a single loop with I/O drawers containing the Long Runadapter. In this table, a "Yes" indicates that the 12X cable identified in that columncan be used to connect the drawer configuration identified to the left. A "No" meansit cannot be used. The 12X DDR or SDR cables can be used with the feature 5796 or7314-G30.12X Cable Options0.6 M 1.5 M 3.0 M 8.0 M(#1829)(1)(#1830)(1)(#1840)(2) (#1834)(3)12X DDR (#1861)(1)(#1862)(1)(#1865)(2) (#1864)(3)5796 to 5796 w/12XShort Run adapter(#6446) in bothdrawers Yes Yes No No5796 w/ 12X ShortRun adapter (#6446)