Table 2. Fansink numbers by System Board Assembly and FRUNumbers (continued).Machine Type FRU Part Numbers System BoardAssembly PartNumbersFansink Number7043–150 375MHZNew Version SystemBoard08L8446, 11K0157,11K0459 41L5177,41L5912, 41L551841L559003N2526, 08L1363,11K0148 11K0464,41L5172, 41L551741L5588, 41L591109P11267043–150 375MHZNew Version SystemBoard11K0459, 41L5912 11K0017, 11K0650 09P11297043–140 and 7043–150 Fansink Removal and Replacement ProceduresThis section contains instructions for removing and replacing defective fansinks on boththe 7043–140 and 7043–150 system boards.Removing and Replacing the 7043–140 System Board FansinkRemoval1. Inform the customer that the system must be powered off for approximately onehour for the fan to be replaced.2. To power off the system, refer to the ″Removal and Replacement Procedures″chapter in theRS/6000 7043–43P Series Service Guide. Power off the system asdescribed in ″Cover Removal″ and continue to unlock and remove the cover.3. Determine the system board assembly part number by noting the white barcodelabel attached to the card.Locate the assembly part number in the leftmost alphanumeric block of characters,following the first three characters, which are always 11S. In the following example,the assembly part number is 41L5812.The FRU part number is in the center alphanumeric block of characters, followingthe first three characters which are always FRU. In the following example, the FRUpart number is 41L5912.11S 2YL1109140246 FRU 90541L581 41L5912After you have identified both the system board assembly part number and the FRUpart number, see the table in “Determining the Fansink Assembly Number to beReplaced” on page 1 to determine the appropriate fan to be replaced.2 Supplement to the Service Guide and User’s Guide