16 pSeries 610 Models 6C1 and 6E1 Technical Overview and Introduction2.5 Internal storageThe following section discusses the various options and configurations regarding internalstorage.2.5.1 Internal storage attachmentsThe default disk drive is mounted behind the operating panel in a bolt-in DASD bay. Mediabay 1 can also be used for a tape drive or a additional disk. Media bay 2 must have aCD-ROM or DVD-RAM device installed.You have to place the smallest capacity disk drive first, then place DASD with next highestcapacity. Install the disk drive in ascending order capacity until all disks are in place. All diskdrives and media devices are driven by the internal integrated SCSI port only.Table 2-2 provides detailed information about how you can connect internal SCSI devices toyour system for systems ordered with the SCSI backplane (#6567). For systems without aSCSI backplane, a 3-drop SCSI media bay and backplane cable (# 4259) can be ordered.Systems without a backplane may not be ordered with a DVD-RAM or tape device sharingthe same integrated SCSI adapter, since this will affect device performance.Table 2-2 SCSI cable configurationsNote: On the Model 6C1 the SCSI slots of the hot swap six pack are numbered from 1 to 6,right to left. On the model 6E1 they are numbered 1 to 6, top to bottom.Configuration options, a combination of:SCSI devices in media bay 0 or 1. Zero up to six hot swap disk drives to be installedin the six pack enclosure.One internal SCSI disk in the media bay 0 One internal disk drive could be installed in mediabay 0 mounted behind the operator panel andzero up to six hot plug disks could be installed inthe six pack. You will need the SCSI 2-DropConnector Cable (# 4247) to attach the drives tothe system.One internal SCSI disk only in media bay 0 and asecond internal SCSI disk in media bay 1.The first internal disk drive could be installed inmedia bay 0 mounted behind the operator panel.The second internal disk drive can be mounted inmedia bay 1 and requires the media bay diskdrive mounting kit. You will need the SCSIConnector Cable and Repeater Card (# 4248)and the SCSI 3-Drop Connector Cable (# 4249)to attach the drives to the system.Zero or one internal SCSI disk in media bay 0 andone tape drive (4 mm or 8 mm) in media bay 1.One internal disk drive could be installed in mediabay 0 mounted behind the operator panel. The4 mm or 8 mm tape drive needs to be mounted inmedia bay 1. You will need the SCSI ConnectorCable and Repeater Card (# 4248) and the SCSI3-Drop Connector Cable (# 4249) to attach thedrives to the system. PreviousNext |