3.2 d64h_do_configVC6short d64h_do_config(BYTE bCardID, U16 wTrigSource, U16 wO_REQ_Enable, U16wOutTrigHigh)VB6d64h_do_config(ByVal bCardID As Byte, ByVal wTrigSource As Integer, ByValwO_REQ_Enable As Integer, ByVal wOutTrigHigh As Integer) As IntegerDescription:This function configures the functionality of the following continuous digital-output.Parameters:bCardID: The specific Card ID that is configured with the on-board Dip-Switch.wTrigSource: TRIG_SOURCE_INT_PACER or TRIG_SOURCE_HANDSHAKE.wO_REQ_Enable: OREQ_ENABLE or OREQ_DISABLE.wOutTrigHigh: OTRIG_HIGH or OTRIG_LOW. This parameter is required only whenwO_REQ_Enable is set as OREQ_ENABLE.Return Code:SUCCESS_NO_ERROR: The function returns successfully.ERROR_INVALID_CARD_ID: There is no active PCI-D64HU card configured with bCardID, or thegiven Card ID is invalid (for instance, Card ID is assigned to 254).ERROR_INVALID_MAPPED_ADDRESS: Indicates the mapped address is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_TRIGGER_SOURCE: Neither TRIG_SOURCE_INT_PACER norTRIG_SOURCE_HANDSHAKE is assigned to parameter wTrigSource.ERROR_INVALID_OREG_ENABLE: Neither OREQ_ENABLE nor OREQ_DISABLE is assigned toparameter wO_REG_Enable.ERROR_INVALID_OTRIG_LEVEL: Neither DI_TRIG_RISING nor DI_TRIG_FALLING is assigned toparameter wTigPolarity.ERROR_INVALID_IREQ_POLARITY: Neither OTRIG_HIGH nor OTRIG_LOW is assigned toparameter wOutTrigHigh.ERROR_DO_CONFIG: Cannot configure the digital-input operation, please call GetLastError() forfurther system information.PCI-D64HU Function Reference Version 17