7. START-UP PROCEDURESCHECK BEFORE STARTING1. Check that the blower motor speed terminal block isrunning the correct heating and cooling speeds.2. Check to see that clean, properly sized air filters areinstalled.3. Replace all service access panels.Check the unit's operation as outlined in the followinginstructions. If any unusual sparking, odors or unusualnoises are encountered, shut off electric powerimmediately. Recheck for wiring errors, or obstructions in ornear blower motors.1. Set thermostat Heat-Cool selector to OFE2. Set thermostat fan switch to AUTO.3. Turn electric power ON. Nothing should start running.4. Set thermostat fan switch to ON,5. Reset thermostat fan switch to AUTO,8. Sequence of OPERATIONELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD.operation. When heating demand is met, W3 and W2sequentially de-energize shutting the indoor fan and theelectric heater.Heating Operation (048 - 054):With a call for heating (W2), the auxiliary electric heater isenergized along with the Indoor blower. If the demand is notmet, W3 is energized incase of staged heating. Whenheating demand is satisfied, W3 and W2 sequentiallyde-energize along with the indoor fan blower.Continuous Fan:With the continuous Indoor fan option selected on thethermostat, G is continuously energized. Incase of 024 -042 units, the selected airflow setting is provided. In thecase of 048 and 060 units, the system runs low stage (Y1)airflow for continuous fan operation.9. MAINTENANCEMONTHLY MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONCHECKSAir FiltersFailure to follow this warning could result in personalinjury, death and/or property damage.Turn off electric power supply at disconnect switch orservice panel before removing any access or servicepanel from unit.Cooling Operation (024 - 042):With a call for cooling (Y), the indoor fan energizesimmediately whereas the contactor energizes after a 5minute time delay (incase of an initial start up) starting thecompressor and the outdoor fan motor. When the coolingdemand is met, (Y) de-energizes, shutting the compressor,indoor fan and the outdoor fan.Cooling Operation (048 - 054):These units utilize a 2 stage indoor thermostat. With a firststage call for cooling (Y1), the indoor fan (low stage)energizes immediately whereas the contactor energizesafter a 5 minute time delay (incase of an initial start up)starting the compressor (low stage) and the outdoor fanmotor. If the low stage operation cannot satisfy the coolingdemand, the second stage cooling (Y2) energizesswitching the compressor into high stage cooling throughenergizing an internal solenoid valve inside the scrollcompressor and switching the indoor fan into high stage.When second stage cooling is satisfied, Y2 de-energizesswitching the compressor and the indoor fan into low stagecooling. When the low stage cooling demand is met, Y1de-energizes shutting the compressor, indoor fan and theoutdoor fan.Heating Operation (024 - 042):With a call for heating (W2), the auxiliary or electric heatenergizes along with the Indoor blower. Incase of stagedheating, W3 is energized if the demand is not met. Thehighest airflow selected is run while the electric heat is inREDUCED EQUIPMENT LIFE HAZARDFailure to follow this cautions may result in damage tothe unit being installed.Do not operate the unit without a filter.Inspect filters at least monthly and replace or clean asrequired. Washable filters may be cleaned by soaking inmild detergent and rinsing with cold water. Replace filterswith the arrows on the side pointing in the direction of airflow. Dirty filters are the most common cause of inadequateheating or cooling performance, and of compressorfailures.COOLING SEASON CHECKS (MONTHLY)Condenser CoilKeep the condenser inlet and outlet area clean and free ofleaves, grass clippings or other debris. Grass should bekept short in front of the condenser inlet. Shrubbery MUSTbe trimmed back so it is no closer than 30 inches to unit.Condensate DrainCheck for condensate drainage. Clean as required.