Page 44HDB-301R Full HD Capture BoxStep 5: Change to SDK directory by typing:$ cd hdb301xx_(version) /api/linux/$ cd hdb301xx_1_0_3/hdb301r_ffplay/Step 6: Install the IEI HDB-301R AP SDK by typing:# makeStep 7: The system starts to compile the IEI HDB-301R AP SDK. Step 0:6.3 Using the IEI HDB-301R AP SDK in LinuxNOTE:If the interval of resolution switching is too short, a device error mightoccur. To avoid this situation, the minimum interval of resolutionswitching is four seconds.Step 1: Change to < IEI_hdb301xx_1_0_5_bin_3.16.0-30-generic_20150922_5549>folder.Step 2: To launch the IEI HDB-301R AP SDK in Linux, type “./iei_ffplay” as below:$ ./iei_ffplayStep 3: The system starts to launch the SDK. The user may see the SDK version, theresolution and frame rate of the video, and the FW version and FPGA version ofthe HDB-301R.