IMBA-Q670 ATX MotherboardPage 191AC ’97 Audio Codec 97 (AC’97) refers to a codec standard developed by Intel®in 1997.ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) is an OS-directedconfiguration, power management, and thermal management interface.AHCI Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI) is a SATA Host controllerregister-level interface.ATA The Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) interface connects storagedevices including hard disks and CD-ROM drives to a computer.ARMD An ATAPI Removable Media Device (ARMD) is any ATAPI device thatsupports removable media, besides CD and DVD drives.ASKIR Amplitude Shift Keyed Infrared (ASKIR) is a form of modulation thatrepresents a digital signal by varying the amplitude (“volume”) of thesignal. A low amplitude signal represents a binary 0, while a highamplitude signal represents a binary 1.BIOS The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) is firmware that is first run whenthe computer is turned on and can be configured by the end userCODEC The Compressor-Decompressor (CODEC) encodes and decodes digitalaudio data on the system.CMOS Complimentary metal-oxide-conductor is an integrated circuit used inchips like static RAM and microprocessors.COM COM refers to serial ports. Serial ports offer serial communication toexpansion devices. The serial port on a personal computer is usually amale DB-9 connector.DAC The Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) converts digital signals to analogsignals.DDR Double Data Rate refers to a data bus transferring data on both the risingand falling edges of the clock signal.DMA Direct Memory Access (DMA) enables some peripheral devices tobypass the system processor and communicate directly with the systemmemory.