NANO-QM871-i1 EPIC SBCPage 945.3.11 Serial Port Console RedirectionThe Serial Port Console Redirection menu (BIOS Menu 15) allows the consoleredirection options to be configured. Console redirection allows users to maintain asystem remotely by re-directing keyboard input and text output through the serial port.Aptio Setup Utility – Copyright (C) 2012 American Megatrends, Inc.AdvancedCOM1Console Redirection [Disabled]> Console Redirection SettingsCOM2Console Redirection [Disabled]> Console Redirection SettingsCOM3Console Redirection [Disabled]> Console Redirection SettingsiAMT SOLCOM4(Pci Bus0,Dev0,Func0) (Disabled)Console Redirection Port Is DisabledConsole RedirectionEnable or Disable---------------------ÆÅ: Select Screen↑ ↓: Select ItemEnter: Select+/-: Change Opt.F1: General HelpF2: Previous ValuesF3: Optimized DefaultsF4: Save & ExitESC: ExitVersion 2.15.1236. Copyright (C) 2012 American Megatrends, Inc.BIOS Menu 15: Serial Port Console RedirectionÎ Console Redirection [Disabled]Use Console Redirection option to enable or disable the console redirection function.Î Disabled D EFAULT Disabled the console redirection functionÎ Enabled Enabled the console redirection functionNOTE:The following five options appear when the Console Redirectionoption is enabled.