27Chapter 4 AMI BIOS SetupThe WAFER-4823 uses AMI BIOS for systemconfiguration, and the AMI BIOS setup program isdesigned to provide maximum flexibility in configuringthe system by offering various options which may beselected for end-user requirements. This chapter iswritten to assist you in the proper usage of thesefeatures.4.1 Getting StartWhen you turn on the power button, the BIOS willenter the Power-On-Self-Test routines. These routineswill be executed for system test and initialization andsystem configuration verification.Note: for your convenience, a diskette containing filesfor updating the BIOS is included with the followingcontents:FLASH634.COM : flash utility to update following BIOS15AMLCD.ROM WAFER-4823 V1.5A Mono DSTN640x480 V1.015ADSTN.ROM WAFER-4823 V1.5A Color DSTN640x480 V1.115ATFTS1.ROM WAFER-4823 V1.5A TFT640x480-Sync (16bit) V1.015ATFTS2.ROM WAFER-4823 V1.5A TFT640x480-Sync (18/24bit) V1.015ATFTLP1.ROM WAFER4823 V1.5A TFT640x480-LP (16bit) V1.015ATFTLP2.ROM WAFER-4823 V1.5A TFT640x480-LP (18/24bit) V1.015ATFT861.ROM WAFER-4823 V1.5A TFT800x600-Sync (16bit) V1.015ATFT862.ROM WAFER-4823 V1.5A TFT800x600-Sync (18/24bit) V1.015AEL.ROM WAFER-4823 V1.5A EL640x480 V1.115APLASMA.ROM WAFER-4823 V1.5A PLASMA640x480 V1.0