WAFER-CV-D25501/N26001 3.5" SBCPage 645.2 MainThe Main BIOS menu (BIOS Menu 1) appears when the BIOS Setup program is entered.The Main menu gives an overview of the basic system information.Aptio Setup Utility – Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.Main Advanced Chipset Boot Security Save & ExitBIOS InformationBIOS Vendor American MegatrendsCore Version 0.16Compliancy UEFI 2.3; PI 1.2Project Version B217AR10.ROMBuild Date and Time 03/14/2012 11:53:40System Date [Fri 04/13/2012]System Time [15:10:27]Access Level AdministratorSet the Date. Use Tab toswitch between Dataelements.----------------------ÆÅ: Select Screen↑ ↓: Select ItemEnter: Select+/-: Change Opt.F1: General HelpF2: Previous ValuesF3: Optimized DefaultsF4: Save & ExitESC: ExitVersion 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.BIOS Menu 1: MainÎ System OverviewThe BIOS Information lists a brief summary of the BIOS. The fields in BIOS Informationcannot be changed. The items shown in the system overview include: BIOS Vendor: Installed BIOS vendor Core Version: Current BIOS version Project Version: the board version Build Date and Time: Date and time the current BIOS version was madeThe System Overview field also has two user configurable fields:Î System Date [xx/xx/xx]Use the System Date option to set the system date. Manually enter the day, month andyear.