MANUAL - E-BEEDREAM1002Code:16-2108DMX CHANNEL TABLE17CH FUNCTION DMX VALUE DESCRIPTION1 Pan 0-2552 Pan Fine 0-2553 Tilt 0-2554 Tilt Fine 0-2555 P/T Speed 0-255 Speed from fast to slow6 Rotating Motor0-59 0-360 degree rotation60-119 Clockwise rotate from slow to fast120-179 Counter-clockwise rotate from slow to fast180-255 Clockwise and Counter-clockwise Rotate alternately from slowto fast7 Color0--15 White16--31 Color 132--47 Color 248--63 Color 364--79 Color 480--95 Color 596--111 Color 6112--127 Color 7128-191 Color Wheel clockwise rotation from fast to slow192-255 Color Wheel counter-clockwise rotation from slow to fast8 Gobo0-7 White8-15 Gobo 116-23 Gobo 224-31 Gobo 332-39 Gobo 440-47 Gobo 548-55 Gobo 656-63 Gobo 764-73 Gobo 7 shake from slow to fast74-83 Gobo 6 shake from slow to fast84-93 Gobo 5 shake from slow to fast94-103 Gobo 4 shake from slow to fast104-113 Gobo 3 shake from slow to fast114-123 Gobo 2 shake from slow to fast124-127 Gobo 1 shake from slow to fast128-191 Gobo Wheel clockwise rotation from fast to slow192-255 Gobo Wheel counter-clockwise rotation from slow to fast9 Dimmer 0-255 Dimmer from dark to bright10 Strobe 0 No Function1-255 Strobe from slow to fast11 Spot LED 0-255 Spot from dark to bright12 B-EYE Red 0-255 B-EYE Red from dark to bright13 B-EYE Green 0-255 B-EYE Green from dark to bright14 B-EYE Blue 0-255 B-EYE Blue from dark to bright