94BASIC OPERATION4n Receiving and transmittingCAUTION: Transmttng wthout an antenna maydamage the transcever.q Rotate [VOL] clockwse to turn power ON.• Openng comment scrolls across the functon dsplay. (p. 13)• Push [16•C] to skp the openng comment ndcaton.w Set the volume and squelch level.➥ Push [ ], and push [Z] to open the squelch.➥ Rotate [VOL] to set the volume level.➥ Push [ ], and push [Y]/[Z] to set the squelch level.e Push [Y]/[Z] to select the desred channel.- When recevng a sgnal, “ ” ndcator appears whle audos emtted from the speaker.- Further adjustment of [VOL] may be necessary at ths pont.r Push [H/L•LOCK] to select the output power, f necessary.- “LOW” appears when low power s selected; “MID” appearswhen mddle power s selected; no ndcaton when hgh powers selected.- Choose low or md. power to conserve battery power, choosehgh power for longer dstance communcatons.- Some channels are for low power only.t Push and hold [PTT] to transmt, and speak nto the mcro-phone.- The transmt ndcator appears whle transmttng.- Channel 70 cannot be used for transmsson.y Release [PTT] to receve.IMPORTANT: To maxmze the readablty of your trans-mtted sgnal, pause a second after pushng [PTT], holdthe mcrophone 5 to 10 cm from your mouth, and speaknto the mcrophone usng a normal voce level.NOTE: The transcever has a power save functon to con-serve the battery power. The power save functon actvatesautomatcally when no sgnal s receved for 5 sec.MicrophoneSpeakerr Set output powert Push to transmity Release to receive q Power ONw Set volumew Set the squelchlevelw Set the squelchlevele Select thechannel