112BASIC OPERATION2■ Scrambler functionThe Voice Scrambler function provides private communica-tion between stations.The optional Rolling or Non-rolling type can be used.Push [Scrambler] to turn ON the Scrambler function.•Push[Scrambler]againtoturnOFFthefunction.■ Stun functionThedispatchercansenda2/5-tonesignalthatwillstun,killor revive your transceiver.When the Stun ID is received, a beep sounds*, and the trans-ceiver becomes unusable. Receiving a Revive command orentering the password* (p. 7) is necessary to operate thetransceiver again in this case.When the Kill ID is received, a beep sounds*, and the trans-ceiver becomes unusable (the transceiver switches to thecloning required condition). Cloning the transceiver is neces-sary to operate the transceiver again in this case.* Depending on the preprogramming. Ask your dealer for de-tails.Stun function is also available with the MDC 1200 signalingsystem. (p. 13)■ Priority A channel selectionWhen one of the following operations is performed, the trans-ceiver automatically selects the Priority A channel. •TurningONthepowerThe Priority A channel is selected each time the trans-ceiver power is turned ON. •OFFhook.The Priority A channel is selected when you take the mi-crophone OFF hook.