92BASIC OPERATION12345678910111213141516D Transmitting notes• Transmit inhibit functionThe transceiver has several inhibit functions which restricttransmission under the following conditions:- The channel is in the ‘Inaudible’ (mute) mode- The channel is busy.- The channel is busy. However, depending on the prepro-grammed settings, you can transmit when the call includesan unmatching (or matching) CTCSS (DTCS).- The selected channel is a ‘receive only’ channel.• Time-out timerIf continuous transmission exceeds the pre-programmedtime-out timer limit, the transmission is cut off.• Penalty timerAfter the transmission is cut off by the time-out timer, trans-mission is further inhibited for the pre-programmed penaltytimer period.• PTTID callThe transceiver automatically sends the 5-tone, DTMF ordigital ANI ID code when [PTT] is pushed (beginning of thetransmission), and/or when it is released (end of transmis-sion), depending on the preprogramming.A PTTID call also be made with the MDC 1200 signal-ing system. (p. 13)D DTMF transmissionIf the transceiver has a key assigned to [DTMF Autodial], theautomatic DTMF transmission function is available.Push [DTMF Autodial] to transmit the DTMF code.