62PANEL DESCRIPTION2PRIORITY A CHANNEL, PRIORITY B CHANNELPush to select the Priority A or Priority B channel.PRIORITY A CHANNEL (REWRITE),PRIORITY B CHANNEL (REWRITE)Push to select the Priority A or Priority B channel.➥Hold down [Prio A (Rewrite)] or [Prio B (Rewrite)] for➥1 second to assign the operating channel to Priority A orPriority B channel, respectively.MEMORY CHANNELS 1, 2, 3, 4Push to directly select memory channel 1, 2, 3 or 4, if pro-grammed.Consult your dealer for details.MONITORPush to turn the CTCSS (DTCS) squelch mute ON or OFF.LIGHTPush to turn ON the backlight for about 5 seconds, when thebacklight function is set to “OFF” in the User Set mode.LOCKHold down this key until “LOCK ON” is displayed to elec-➥tronically lock all programmable keys except the following:[Moni], [Lock], [Emergency]*, [Surveillance], [Siren], [LoneWorker]*, [Light] and [Shift].* For digital operation. See the operating guide for detailsTo turn OFF the Key Lock function, hold down this key until➥“LOCK OFF” is displayed.HIGH/LOWPush to select the transmit output power temporarily or per-manently, depending on the preprogramming.• Ask your dealer for the output power level for each selection.TALK AROUNDPush to turn the Talk Around function ON or OFF.• The Talk Around function equalizes the transmit frequency to thereceive frequency for transceiver-to-transceiver communication.WIDE/NARROWPush to toggle the IF bandwidth between wide and narrow.SURVEILLANCEPush to turn the surveillance function ON or OFF.When this function is turned ON and a signal is received, thebeep is not heard and the LED does not light, even if a keyis pushed.