23Mexico Super RS440 - RS470 - Installation & ServicingSERVICINGMEX 19284330 SCHEDULETo ensure the continued safe and efficient operation of theappliance it is recommended that it is checked at regularintervals and serviced as necessary. The frequency ofservicing will depend upon the installation condition andusage but should be carried out at least annually .It is the law that any service work must be carried out by aCORGI registered installer. In IE servicing work must becarried out by a Competent Person.a. Light the boiler and carry out a pre-service check, notingany operational faults.b. Clean the main burner.c. Clean the heat exchanger.d. Clean the main injectors.e. Check that the flue terminal is unobstructed and that theflue system, including the flue cleanout cover, is sealedcorrectly.f. If the appliance has been installed in a compartment,check that the ventilation areas are clear.The servicing procedures are covered more fully in Frames31-35 and MUST be carried out in sequence.WARNING. Always turn OFF the gas supply at the gasservice cock and switch OFF and DISCONNECT the electricalsupply to the appliance BEFORE SERVICING.IMPORTANT. After completing the servicing or exchange ofcomponents always test for gas soundness and carry outfunctional checks as appropriate.MEX 192762ControlpanelGrilleAssy.31 BOILER CASING REMOVALThermostat phialThermostat pocketPhial retainingclipSplit pinMEX 7291. Remove the 2 screws and lift off the lower frontpanel.2. Remove the 2 screws and lift off the grille assembly.3. Disconnect the in-line connector on the PCB lead.4. Remove the Burner On neon cable from the back ofthe control panel.5. Remove the thermostat phial from the pocket asshown.6. Remove the 2 screwssecuring the control paneland pull down to releasethe tabs from under the toppanel.7. If the boiler is not fittedunder a work top, accessfor flue cleaning will beimproved by removing thetop panel.WARNING. The boiler must not be operated with the casing removedSERVICING