JBL Mode! 5306 Mixer/PreamplifierThe J B L 5306 is a solid-state mixer/preamplifier capable ofintegrating t w o program channels and six microphone inputs.It features operator-oriented controls, exceptionally widedynamic range, extended frequency response, low noise, andminimal intermodulation distortion.Each of the six microphone channels is equipped w i t h anoverdrive indicator that flashes when its preamplifier circuitbegins t o overload. In use, the indicator becomes operativebefore distortion reaches audible levels, providing amplewarning to make the proper gain adjustment. The unusualdynamic range of the 5306 results f r o m a preamplifier circuitwhose operational characteristics are changed as the gaincontrol is adjusted. Reducing the voltage gain of the circuitpermits greater input w i t h o u t clipping the o u t p u t signal.Since the Master Gain controls the mixing circuit in a similarmanner, the 5306 is particularly well-equipped t o handleextreme loudness variations.InstallationMountingThe 5306 can be rack-mounted in three El A standard spacesw i t h o u t additional bracing or ventilation. A l l external con-nections are made on the rear panel where connectors are "organized and labeled by f u n c t i o n . The unit is ready to useas shipped; however, various modifications or additions, des-cribed elsewhere in this manual, may be desirable for specificapplications.Note: A l l low-level amplification circuitry can be adverselyaffected by strong magnetic fields. For this reason, it isrecommended that the 5306 be located at least seven inchesf r o m any power amplifier or similar source of electro-magnetic radiation.3