32INCLUDEDTemplate/paint shield.Remove paint shield (innerrectangle) at perforation.One pair of speakers with grille.Template/paint shield.Remove paint shield (innercircle) at perforation.One pair of speakers with grille.THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING JBL400– 600WALLWALL WALL5 – 6 ft.WALL WALLFRONT SPEAKERSMODELS SP5, SP6, SP8 AS REAR SPEAKERSMODELS SP6C, SP8C IN CEILINGSPEAKER PLACEMENTSP5, SP6, SP8SP6C, SP8CFor more than 50 years, JBLhas been involved in everyaspect of music and filmrecording and reproduction,from live performances tomonitoring the recordingsyou play in your home,car or office.We’re confident that theJBL loudspeakers you havechosen will provide everynote of enjoyment that youexpected – and that whenyou think about purchasingadditional audio equipment foryour home, car or office, youwill once again choose JBL.Please take a moment tocomplete the enclosed profilecard. It enables us to keepyou posted on our latestadvancements, and helps usto better understand ourcustomers and build productsthat meet their needs andexpectations.JBL Consumer ProductsProper placement of thespeakers is an importantstep in obtaining the mostrealistic soundstage possible.These recommendations arefor the optimum placement ofthe loudspeakers. Use theseplacement recommendationsas a guide. Slight variationswill not diminish yourlistening pleasure.The front speakers should beplaced the same distancefrom each other as they arefrom the listening position.They should be placed atabout the same height fromthe floor as the listener’sears will be.In a home theater configura-tion, the two surround speak-ers should be placed slightlybehind the listening positionand, ideally, should face eachother and be at a level higherthan the listener’s ears. If thatis not possible, they may beplaced in a wall behind thelistening position, facing for-ward. The surround speakersshould not call attention tothemselves. They shouldprovide a diffuse, ambientsound accompanying themain program materialheard in the front speakers.