-12-3) Loudspeaker Array Low-Frequency Pattern Control using Filtered ArrayTechnology; JBL Professional Application Note.4) JBL Audio Engineering for Sound Reinforcement by John Eargle and ChrisForeman (Hal Leonard Publications, 2002).These papers describe some of the most popular and effective low-frequency arrayingtechniques for performance systems including:• Frequency-shaded or Bipole arrays• Gradient or Cardiod arrays• Filtered Array Technology (FAT) arrays• Forward Steered arraysEach of these arrays may be realized using product from the AE and PD series ofloudspeakers. For additional information on the use of these arrays please contact theJBL application support staff.Planar Array Frames and Rigging BracketsPlanar Array Frames (PAFs) provide a pre-engineered solution to rig many of the arraysfound in this guide. Please refer to the AE Series Bracket and Array Frame Handbook formore details.When tilting an array that utilizes a PAF frame downward at angles greater than about 35degrees, understand that the center section of the array will end up with more down-tiltthan the outside sections. If this is undesirable, consider changing the rigging to aspherical array, where each box is aimed down independently. Spherical arrays canrequire more complex rigging, but have the benefit of independent adjustment ofspeakers on each axis.Often the top tier of a multi-tiered array is aimed downward together at a shallower angleand the downfill boxes are aimed independently below that. This is how the two-tieredarrays in this guide are shown.MORE INFORMATIONFor more information on designing loudspeaker system arrays, refer to JBL Audio Engineeringfor Sound Reinforcement by John Eargle and Chris Foreman (Hal Leonard Publications, 2002)Additional system design information, including advanced design concepts, can be found at the"Technical Library” available on the JBL Professional’s website.Information on amplifier recommendations found in this guide can be obtained at the Crownwebsite: http://www.crownaudio.com/Information on DSP hardware recommendations found in this guide can be obtained at the BSSAudio, Crown and dBX websites. All websites are accessible from: http://jblpro.com/ .