Getting Acquainted with the EON208P Powered MixerThis partofthe EON208P system houses the mixing board and power amplifier. You will connect allofthemicrophones, musical instruments, Bluetooth® audio device, external sound sources (like MP3 or CD players),inaddition to any recording devices or additional speakers like a personal monitor, subwoofer or "FrontofHouse" feed.The BasicsThe mixing board is actually a very simple device. A "mixing board" brings audio sources "in" (throughthe inputs) and routes the signal to the outputs (MASTER VOLUME/SPEAKER OUTPUTS or MONITOROUTPUTS). The mixer controls enable the user to affect the tone and/or volume in addition to routing the signaland adding reverb to individual input sources.E:ONcOBP@@@@@@@@@@@@o~ o~··O~o~IJifNmo~o:~.o~O.!..@@@@@@@@@@@@o~o~EQ!;,MASTERVOLUI\IIE®®®®®®((ID)((ID)((ID)((ID)((ID)®)~ ~ ~ ~g::ogo~=~·Ill~·~'-'%1,Miil3%lll~''lllt?3l'til®~::0®; 0 0VOLUM E 0VOLUM ELet's look at the "inputs" first:AUDIO INPUTSAll of the inputs will route to the speakers and to the MONITOR OUTPUT SECTION.MONO MIC/LINE INPUTSMoving from left to right there are 4 identical input strips comprised of (from top to bottom) a treble control,bass control, reverb control, reverb on/off button, volume control, mic/line selector and a XLR~"combination connector.BLUETOOTHINPUTThe EON208P comes equipped with the ability to stream Bluetooth audio.To connect a Bluetooth device first press the "Biuetooth Pair" button on theback of the device. Then select "EON208P" from the source device tocomplete the pairing. Once paired, audio can be streamed from theconnected device.9