7GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH THE EON ONE POWERED MIXER7KLVSDUWRIWKH(2121(V\VWHPKRXVHVWKHPL[LQJERDUGDQGSRZHUDPSOL¿HU+HUH\RXZLOOFRQQHFWDOORIWKHmicrophones, musical instruments, and external sound sources (like MP3 players, CD players, or Bluetooth audioVRXUFHV 7KH021,7252873876SURYLGHD³)URQWRI+RXVH´IHHGDQGFDQEHFRQQHFWHGWRUHFRUGLQJGHYLFHVRUDGGLWLRQDOVSHDNHUV OLNHDSHUVRQDOPRQLWRURUDQRWKHU3$V\VWHP THE BASICS7KHPL[LQJERDUGLVDFWXDOO\DYHU\VLPSOHGHYLFH$³PL[LQJERDUG´EULQJVDXGLRVRXUFHV³LQ´ WKURXJKWKHLQSXWV DQGURXWHVWKHVLJQDOWRWKHRXWSXWV 0$67(592/80(RU021,7252873876 7KHPL[HUFRQWUROVHQDEOHthe user to affect the tone and/or volume in addition to routing the signal and adding reverb to individual inputsources./HW¶VORRNDWWKH³LQSXWV´¿UVWAUDIO INPUTSThe EON ONE has 6 inputs: 2 mono inputs and 2 stereo inputs. All of the inputs will route to the speakers andto the MONITOR OUTPUT SECTION. EON ONE also includes Bluetooth audio streaming from your favoriteBluetooth audio device.