EnglishTROUBLESHOOTINGIf you used the high-level(speaker) inputs and thereis no sound from any of thespeakers:• Check that the receiver/amplifier is on and a sourceis playing.• Check that the poweredsubwoofer is plugged intoan active electrical outletand is switched on.• Check all wires and connec-tions between the receiver/amplifier and the speakers.Make sure all wires are con-nected. Make sure none of thespeaker wires are frayed, cutor punctured, or touching eachother.• Review proper operationof your receiver/amplifier.If there is low (or no) bass out-put:• Make sure the connectionsto the left and right “SpeakerInputs” have the correctpolarity (+ and –).• Make sure that the sub-woofer is plugged into anactive electrical outlet andswitched on.• Adjust the crossover point.• Flip the Phase Control switchto the opposite position.• If you are using a DolbyDigital/DTS receiver orprocessor, make sure that thesubwoofer and bass manage-ment adjustments on thereceiver/processor are set upcorrectly.• Slowly turn the Level Controlclockwise until you begin tohear the desired amount ofbass.If you used the line-levelinputs and there is no soundfrom the subwoofer:• Check that the receiver/amplifier is on and a source isplaying.• Check that the poweredsubwoofer is plugged into anactive electrical outlet and isswitched on.• Check all wires andconnections between thereceiver/amplifier and the sub-woofer. Make sure all wiresare connected. Make surenone of the wires are frayed,cut or punctured, or touchingeach other.• Review proper operation ofyour receiver/amplifier.• Slowly turn the LevelControl clockwise until youbegin to hear the desiredamount of bass.• Make sure that you haveconfigured your receiver/processor so that the sub-woofer/LFE output is on.Phase ControlThe Phase Control deter-mines whether the sub-woofer’s pistonlike actionmoves in and out in phase withthe main speakers or oppositethe main speakers. There is nocorrect or incorrect setting.Proper phase adjustmentdepends on several variablessuch as subwoofer placementand listener position. Adjustthe Phase switch to maximizebass output at the listeningposition.Remember, every system, roomand listener is different. Thereare no right or wrong settings;this switch offers the addedflexibility to adjust your sub-woofer for optimum perfor-mance for your specificlistening conditions withouthaving to move your speakers.If at some time in the futureyou happen to rearrange yourlistening room and move yourspeakers, you should experi-ment with the Phase switch inboth positions, and leave it inthe position that maximizesbass performance.7