14The third method of connecting signal to the LSR28P is still an unbalanced hookup and is avariation of the above XLR method by using a two-conductor cable or RCA cable with two XLRadapters at each end or two Tip/Ring/Sleeve connectors at each end.The Tip/Ring/Sleeve connectors are also commonly referred to as 1/4" connectors and can beused with the LSR28P's Neutrik connectors. The popularity of TRS connectors is related to theirearly use and acceptance within the consumer audio industry. The tip of the TRS connector orthe center conductor of the phonograph cable is the “hot” lead and should be connected to Pin 2of the XLR connector for signal transfer. The use of the RCA connector is, by far, the leastexpensive method of hookup, the noisiest and most problematic, too. They are simply twoconductors one hot and one cold, however, they do connect both grounds together and havecaused many problems including damaging equipment. They are not recommended forprofessional sound systems.THEREFORE, IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT THE TECHNICIAN USE ATHREE-CONDUCTOR CABLE WITH XLR CONNECTORS TO CONNECT THEPREAMPLIFIER OR SOURCE TOTHE LSR 28P MONITOR