JBL Loud+Clear LC-S1050W Specifications
Loud + Clear subwoofers are optimized to perform best insmall, sealed, vented and prefabricated bandpass enclosures.While infinite-baffle mounting of Loud + Clear subs ispossible, power handling will be greatly compromisedbecause there will be no enclosed volume of air to preventthe speaker’s cone from moving past its limit. For thisreason, we do not recommend infinite-baffle mounting forLoud + Clear subwoofers.You should choose an enclosure based on the type of musicyou listen to, how much amplifier power you will use for thesubwoofer, and how much space inside the vehicle you candevote to a subwoofer enclosure.Because a sealed enclosure provides the most control overwoofer movement, a woofer mounted in a sealed enclosurewill handle more power than a woofer mounted in anotherenclosure type. Sealed enclosures also provide moreaccurate sonic reproduction than other enclosure types sothey are well suited to all types of music. Sealed-enclosureconstruction is straightforward, and there are manyprefabricated sealed enclosures available. An optimumsealed enclosure is always smaller than other types ofenclosures optimized for a particular speaker, so it requiresthe least amount of space inside the vehicle.Vented enclosures provide better efficiency in the 40Hz – 50Hzrange, but this efficiency comes at the expense of sound inthe lowest octave (below 40Hz) and at the expense of somecontrol and power handling. If you are using a smallamplifier, a vented box will provide more bass output fromless power. Vented enclosures are also well suited to avariety of music types. Because vented enclosures requirethe volume of the enclosure and the size of the port to have aspecific relationship to the characteristics of the woofer, theymust be built exactly to the specifications provided. Whilethere are some prefabricated vented boxes available,matching a prefabricated box to a particular woofer isdifficult. If you wish to use a ventedenclosure, we strongly recommend havingyour authorized JBL dealer build it or at least verify thatyour design is correct if you wish to build it yourself. Anoptimum vented enclosure is always larger than theoptimum sealed box for the same woofer, and will requiremore space inside the vehicle.Bandpass enclosures often provide the greatest outputavailable from any amplifier/subwoofer combination, albeitat the expense of sonic accuracy. If sheer SPL (soundpressure level) is what you desire most, choose a bandpassenclosure. Because bandpass-enclosure design is tricky,using a computer and enclosure-design software isnecessary. If you are an experienced installer or have somewoodworking skill, you may wish to build the enclosuredescribed in the “Specifications” chart in this manual.Fortunately, however, there are many prefabricatedbandpass boxes available and they are all optimized toextract the greatest possible output from any woofer. Beaware that bandpass enclosures can be quite large and mayrequire a lot of space inside your vehicle.Choosing an EnclosureThank you for purchasing a JBL Loud + Clear subwoofer.Subwoofer installation often requires woodworking skillsand some experience disassembling and reassemblingautomotive interiors. If you lack the necessary tools orknow-how, have your subwoofer installed by an authorizedJBL dealer.Warning! Playing loud music in anautomobile can permanentlydamage your hearing as well ashinder your ability to hear traffic. Werecommend listening at low levelswhile driving. JBL accepts noliability for hearing loss, bodilyinjury or property damageresulting from use ormisuse of this product.S u b w o o f e r |
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