EST.JBL(MR6.2)-061129-I/B145x210mmRevised 27 / May / 05Model No.: MR-6.2MARINEMARINEPWRMODE MR - 6.2 / 4CH x 45Watts2 INT 3 RPT 5 60.LDBD/FN8.DIS7. SCN9.A.PSREL1SHSRCOMPACT DISC PLAYER DETACHABLE SYSTEM4 RDMOperation Manualfor UsersMARINECOMPACTDIGITAL AUDIOThis product is sold and serviced exclusively by Prospec Electronic Inc. and must be returnedto Prospec for in and out of warranty repairs. It can not be serviced under warranty by other JBLservice centers. All Products sold and serviced exclusively by Prospec Electronics Inc.For service contact us: 3325 South Morgans Point Road Mount Pleasant SC 29466Tel 843-849-9037 Fax 843-849-9054.